VTR254-11 Piston ring 32191/34191
VTR254-11 parts for centrifugal oil pump 97040
VTR254-11 Bearing complete, turbine end 34100
VTR254-11 Bearing complete, compressor end 32100
VTC254 Locking plate 51006(仅用于VTC304)
VTC254 Locking plate 51003(仅用于VTC304)
VTC254 Locking plate 51003/51006(仅用于VTC214/254)
VTC254 Locking plate 42024
VTC254 Hex.-headed screw 42023/51002/51005
VTC254 Piston ring 21004/25003
VTC254 Thrust bearing 32001
VTC254 Floating bush TE34103a
VTC254 Floating bush CE32103
RR151 and RR181 Socket screw 32110/32111
RR151 and RR181 Locking plate 51003
RR151 and RR181 Hex.-headed screw 51004
RR151 and RR181 Cup spring 21004
RR151 and RR181 Self locking nut resp 21003
RR151 and RR181 0型密封圈 42003
RR151 and RR181 O-ring gasket 32222
RR151 and RR181 Piston ring 21002
RR151 and RR181 Piston ring 32108
RR151 and RR181 Plain bearing bush 32102
RR151 and RR181 Plain bearing bush 34101
RR151 and RR181 Thrust bearing 32106